Far Fetched Tales Dog Training and Pet Sitting


e-mail: trainerpamela@gmail.com


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Listen to me know or tell me later

Really interested in the comments of those new folks viewing the blog.....

What are you looking for to obtain a better working/friend relationship with your dog?
What type of dog training or classes are you wanting?

My question to the viewers of this blog ...
How do you feed your dog? Once a day? If so is that am or pm? Twice a day? Are you having weight problems with your dog?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pamela,
    Thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk to me.
    Answers to your blog questions: I leave the (4) dogs food out all day long, I do not have any weight problems. They just go eat when they are hungry but honestly they really do not eat until we get home : ) guess they like to wait for me. Robert


Please visit my homepage @ www.farfetchedtalesagility.com for agility, basic obedience, or behavior problems training information.