much has happened in such a short amount of time.
1. We now live in a home with a fenced backyard. AMEN!
2. Member of the Jacksonville Agility Club
3. Leave for ...YES...the DOCNA Nationals ...Stephentown, NY on the 19th of September ..competing to keep Jo Dee and Harley's National Titles for the 4th year in a row!
4. K9's for Warriors will be working with dogs and our soldiers ...more news later to share on that regard.
Wishing all of you and those special 4 legged pals of yours the best....and if you need a better dog day....then call...970-640-2202! Hopefully, now since life is coming around, and more settled, after the big move....I will definitely be posting more regular on the blog. Off to practice my "clean runs".